102: Good & Bad, The Aftermath of COVID-19 with Dr. John Mattison, Former CHIO of Kaiser Permanente.

In this episode of Silicon Valley Insider, Keith Koo’s special guest is Dr. John Mattison, MD, Former Assistant Medical Director and Chief Medical Information Officer, Emeritus of Kaiser Permanente. 

Dr. Mattison is a world-renown keynote speaker, author, and faculty. He focuses on transforming care delivery with information technology, through a convergence of exponential technologies and data liquidity. He led the design and implementation of the largest integrated electronic health record in the US and leads various national programs including virtual care. He has sponsored or led numerous digital innovations, and mentors many digital health startups.



Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Mattison and Keith discuss why it is so important for everyone to take the virus seriously. For the first time in human history, the world is coming together to address a singular issue. On this episode, you will learn:

  1. Who: The populations that have been affected by COVID-19 in the USA and around the world
  2. What: The origins of COVID19, SARs and other coronaviruses and why this one is highly transmissible 
  3. Where:  COVID-19’s trajectory around the world. 
  4. Why: “social distancing” is very important to “flattening the curve” 
  5. How: The innovations that have already occurred in combatting the virus and what new techniques and technologies are needed to mitigate the risk of the virus.
  6. Estimates on how long “sheltering in place” will be necessary here in the USA and around the World

On this week’s Cyber-tip, Keith discusses how like other crises and natural disasters, cybercrime is definitely on the rise due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Keith urges caution in your personal finance and business matters to ensure you don’t become a victim during these uncertain times. 

On this week’s “Pivot” Dr. Mattison talks about how even though pandemics like COVID-19 will continue, we are better prepared to address the virus quickly and share that information globally in order to find a solution together. 

Tune-in to find out more.


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Artificial Intelligence, AI, Blockchain, Big Data, Data Analytics, CyberRisk, Information security, VC, Venture Capital, Angel Investments, Fundraising, Capital Raising, Investor, Human Rights, Technology for Good, UN SDGs, Emerging Technology, COVID-19, CoronaVirus