116: Chief Mentor of Next-Gen Leaders, Jason Ma

In this episode of Silicon Valley Insider, Keith Koo’s special guest is Chief Mentor of Next-Gen Leaders, Jason Ma. As the founder and CEO of ThreeEQ, and acclaimed author of “Young Leaders 3.0”, Jason is a globally recognized coach and mentor of Gen X, Millennial, and Gen Z clients, including C-suite executives and high-potential candidates in their careers and academic life.

Since 2014, Jason has served as Silicon Valley’s leading member of the Business 20 (B20) Future of Work and Education Taskforce. Through the G20 Presidencies in Australia, Turkey, China, Germany, Argentina, and Saudi Arabia in 2020, Jason is one of only a few hundred notable business leaders worldwide handpicked to be B20 members. As the G20’s business advisory council, the B20 is the official voice of the private sector and recommends policies to the G20 Heads of State and governments, representing the global business community across all G20 economies. (The G20 represents over 80% of the global nominal GDP of nearly US$90 trillion and ⅔ of the worldwide population of 7.8 billion people.) 

It is Jason’s diverse background and in-depth know-how in (tech) business, education, and mentoring on a global stage that gives him a unique perspective on how to mentor and coach his clients in navigating and succeeding at next levels in the “New Normal”. Throughout the show, Jason shares his deep insights into what is on the mind of leaders and the tools that they need to develop to be an effective business leader, academic, or student. You definitely don’t want to miss Jason’s facts and figures.

(On this week’s Cyber-Tip, Keith emphasizes the importance of staying vigilant when you are engaging in Telehealth. Cyber attacks continue to increase and Telehealth is a major target for nefarious groups. Keith also discusses how law enforcement agencies in particular are being subjected to many more attacks due to current events.)

In “The Pivot”, Jason gives a “call to action” on how to raise your and your children’s “delta” early on and achieve more in life. He enlightens us on what college admissions “myopia” means and that even many alumni from and students at Ivy League and other top schools still have not reached their full potential. He gives great advice on how to adapt, win, and grow in an atmosphere of persistent “hyper-competition”.