Doing Business with China amidst Tariffs and Tensions

Silicon Valley Host Keith Koo reports from the greater Shanghai region of China in which he was part of an economic trade mission to discuss mutually beneficial business collaborations between the USA & China in spite of the recent tariffs and tensions between the two trading partners.

Keith’s economic mission was part of the US Minority Business Agency and the Zion Shanghai Investment Company. Today’s show focused on the following guests:

1) Wendy Yang, President of the Zion Shanghai Investment Company which focuses on cross-border business between the USA, China and Europe.

2) Deborah Magid, Director of Strategy – IBM Ventures who discusses the technologies such as IoT, A.I. and Big Data.

3) Aeronyde an innovative Florida based UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) startup that is researching how UAVs can work not only in the USA but in other regions including China.

First airing is 1-2pm on 1220AM KDOW

Download the podcast at 2pm Friday’s

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